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Dirt Bike Safety

Dirt Bike Safety Tips from Brinson Powersports of Athens

Riding a dirt bike is a thrilling activity, but it's also an inherently risky one. You're atop a powerful machine heading into unpredictable nature at top speeds. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make your ride safer. We gathered up our top safety tips below. For all your dirt bike needs, visit Brinson Powersports of Athens. We proudly serve those in Athens and Tyler, Texas.

Dress for the Crash

It's a common saying in the dirt bike world. When you suit up to ride your off-road motorcycle, keep the crash in mind. You want to wear everything you need in the event of a crash. Start with a helmet. Only wear one that's been crash-tested and fits well. If it's too loose, you will miss out on valuable protection. If it's too tight, you'll suffer a headache that dampers your ride enjoyment.

Next, you'll need eye protection. Riding your dirt bike can kick up dirt, dust, and debris which can find their way into your eye. You'll want to throw on a pair of goggles for protection. They also guard your eyes in the event of a crash.

You'll also want to wear long sleeves and long pants. On a hot summer's day, it may sound appealing to wear shorts and a tank. But full-length clothing adds a layer of protection for your delicate skin from the burning sun. Seek out lightweight, breathable material so you can stay comfortable.

Finally, you'll want a pair of riding gloves. Wet hands, from rain or sweat, slip and slide off the controls. Cold hands shiver and struggle to manipulate the controls. Riding gloves help you stay in control of your off-road motorcycle.

Stay Within Limits

Plenty of dirt bike accidents happen because people push their limits. They hop aboard an off-road motorcycle that's too powerful for their skill level or ride at speeds that are too high. Only ride a dirt bike that you are confident you can control.

It's also important to stick to designated trails. That overgrown trail may look feasible. But you don't know what's around that bend. There could be unexpected dips, obstacles, or other difficult to see issues. Before you know it, you're unnecessarily damaging your off-road motorcycle (or worse, getting injured). Stay to the known trail and enjoy a safe ride.

Keep Your Focus Sharp

When you ride an off-road motorcycle, you are blazing a rugged trail at top speeds. You need sharp focus to make quick judgments, whether it's avoiding an animal that darted in your path or an upcoming pothole. Take steps to stay alert, such as dehydration prevention. When you get dehydrated, your brain fogs over and it's difficult to focus. Pack along plenty of water (a hands-free hydration pack works well). You'll also want to bring snacks to avoid blood sugar issues that also compromise your focus.

Bring a Buddy

It's more fun to ride a dirt bike with another person - and it's safer! If you get into an accident, they can assist you. A riding buddy can use the first aid kit to address minor health issues or call for medical help. Accidents do happen and it's important to have someone there as a safeguard.

We hope you found our guide helpful! For all your dirt bike needs, visit Brinson Powersports of Athens. Check out our range of new and used off-road motorcycles for sale. We also operate a parts replacement and service department. If your dirt bike is experiencing issues, let our expert staff fix it right up. We proudly serve those in Athens, Tyler, and Jacksonville, Texas.