Articles >> Preparing for an Off-Road Adventure

Preparing for an Off-Road Adventure

Preparing For Off-Road Adventures Article from Brinson Powersports of Athens

Off-roading is some of the best time you can have on your powersport vehicle, whether you’re hitting trails or tearing up turf. The fun an adventure that comes with an ATV, UTV, or dirtbike will have you experiencing speed and adrenaline as you conquer each new terrain. Before you head out, it could be important to do a bit of preparation in order to ensure you have the best time possible. At Brinson Powersports of Athens, we know our customers are looking to get out there and have fun as soon as possible, but taking some time to prepare will make sure you have the best time possible. In that spirit, we’ve put together this quick guide with some tips to help you along. Read on for more information or head into our showroom in Athens, Texas, for a look at some great new and used powersport vehicles.

Know Your Vehicle

Before any successful off-road trip, you’ll need to know a bit about your vehicle. Hopefully you already have down the basics like turning, accelerating, and braking. If you aren’t accustomed to operating a powersport vehicle like an ATV, UTV, or dirt bike, you might find that a short class can help with riding technique and get you to where you want to be before hitting off-road trails. The bottom line is that you need to be able to safely operate your vehicle before you’re ready for an off-road adventure.

Many trails restrict access to either certain types of vehicles or else vehicles of a certain size. Knowing your ATV or UTV dimensions such as height and width as well as approach and departure angle will help you navigate tight spots without causing your investment any damage. You should also have a firm grasp of where the air intake and engine computer are found so that you can know how deep of water you can cross without water damage becoming an issue.

Pre-Ride Preparations

All destination adventure requires some extra preparation so you don’t end up where you want to be without the ability to enjoy it. For off-road adventure with powersport vehicles, this means having your vehicle ready and if you are off-roading with a UTV, making sure your riders are satisfied as well. Catching any mechanical issues ahead of time saves you time and worry and making sure you have enough supplies for your riders means no runs to the store or turning in early due to a lack of fuel.

Any time you ride a powersport vehicle, you should go through a quick pre-ride check. That means inspecting tires for proper inflation, tread wear, and foreign objects lodged in the tread. You’ll also want to check the engine oil and other fluids to make sure they’re in good condition and topped off to recommended levels. Also test steering and brakes. Anything out of the ordinary should be cause for taking your vehicle into a reliable service center, like your friends at Brinson Powersports!

Pack enough supplies for you and anyone else tagging along. Include riding essentials like protective gear (helmet, pads, etc.) as well as emergency items (first aid kit, tools for vehicle repair, radio, etc.) and enough extra fuel to keep you riding all day. Also dress for the weather and bring cold-weather or rain gear when necessary. If you’re doing some camping and packing up your powersport vehicle for a few days, take extra care to secure all your cargo so nothing comes loose during travel.

Preparing Your Route

Take time to study a map and plan your route with as much detail as possible. Underestimating the time a route takes might mean you end up sputtering around in the dark as you search for your camping spot. It also helps ensure you bring enough supplies (like gas and water) to stay safe and comfortable. Keep in mind that trails can get compromised and rendered temporarily unusable (due to situations like a bad storm causing debris). You’ll want to check the trail’s site before you leave to make sure your intended route is good to go.

Hopefully a few of these tips will help you make the most out of your off-road adventure. Preparing your gear, your vehicle, and your route will ensure you can focus on the fun and not the logistics. For more off-roading tips, or if you’re just eager to check out some great new and used ATVs, UTVs, and dirt bikes, head into Brinson Powersports of Athens. We proudly serve Tyler, Athens, and Jacksonville, Texas. Come in today and let our team of courteous experts answer all your questions and help you find what you’re looking for.